10 minute blog Kylie Kwon 10 minute blog Kylie Kwon

Saturday - May 2, 2020

Today’s message:

Pay attention and be alert for opportunities for co-creation.

Today’s Mantra:

I choose to co-create my life and experiences with my divine guiding team and witness all the miracles and magic that surround me with love.

This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …

This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.

Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.

Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.

Today’s message:

In divine time, life unfolds.

In divine time… in divine time, life unfolds. There is no skipping of steps, there is no rushing through. Each step must be taken in order. At times, a few steps must be retaken in to gain a stronger footing.

Do not be afraid to take the steps, do not be afraid and impatient of the timing. There is no urgent need. There is no rush. All is unfolding as it should and as needed. Take your steps one by one. Take the step in front of you now and release the need to know more.

Today’s Mantra:

I close my eyes to see the step ahead, they show up in front of me awaiting for my action.

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10 minute blog Kylie Kwon 10 minute blog Kylie Kwon

Sunday - February 16, 2020

Today’s message:

Pay attention and be alert for opportunities for co-creation.

Today’s Mantra:

I choose to co-create my life and experiences with my divine guiding team and witness all the miracles and magic that surround me with love.

This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …

This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.

Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.

Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.

Today’s message:

Pay attention and be alert for opportunities for co-creation.

Life, as we live it, in our human existence is a co-creation with The Universe, spirit, God, Angels that surround us, our guides, and our ancestors, those that came before us. They are all here, present with us whenever we call upon them… whenever we trust and surrender to their existence, presence, and willing assistance.

Nothing in our lives is happening to us, rather it is happening for us. No matter how rough of a ride you may have had in your life or having in your life, there are valuable things to learn for our highest good. Having this faith, understanding, and acceptance is vital in gaining the knowledge, tools, and gifts we need to move our life forward with joy, happiness, and love.

When you begin to call upon your guiding team that surrounds you, you begin to hear their guidance clearly. And for most of us, this guidance has always been present. And most, ignore, make excuses, defend our actions, and choose to follow another path, going against what is in alignment and guided by our divine team.

What I can say is when you begin to truly put trust and surrender to the divine, miracles happen consistently and constantly. First, they appear like coincidences. However, as you fully step into your guiding divine team, begin to co-create with them, so many wonderous things both small and big begin to appear. So much so, that there is no doubt and your trust muscles build and no longer do you find yourself wavering. Until finally, you begin to trust fully in your inner guidance, the guidance of your divine team, and the loving energy of the Universe. Then the real capacity of your gifts as a spiritual being having a unique set of human experiences begins to unfold.

Most importantly you learn you are not alone and you are truly guided, protected, and loved.

Today’s Mantra:

I choose to co-create my life and experiences with my divine guiding team and witness all the miracles and magic that surround me with love.

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10 minute blog Kylie Kwon 10 minute blog Kylie Kwon

Friday - February 14, 2020

Today’s message:

You are stronger than you think and you are not alone!

Today’s Mantra:

I am stronger than I think and I am never alone, as my guides are always with me in loving guidance.

This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …

This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.

Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.

Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.

Today’s message:

You are stronger than you think and you are not alone!

The message from the guides was so clear this morning. “You are stronger than you think", they said following up with a reminder that they are with us, always cheering us on and ready to help. Their request is to ask and count on them even more… way more than ever. Their capacity to help, guide, and support are limitless.

There is a buzz around being a recovering caregiver, I know I am one. The thing is, we as spiritual beings having a unique set of human experiences walk the physical plane in the way we do because we have lessons to learn and work through. Our capacity to assist others has to be in alignment and in honor of what we need for ourselves… and we need to be in service of ourselves first before serving others

Those receiving this message have been through a lot in their lives. And the guides remind that that in itself is clear evidence that you are stronger than you think. Look how far you have come from where you have started. Look at what you have gone through. Look at the failures, heartache, pain, and disappointments as huge wins… because in spite of them you are still here, present, still working to do better because now you know better.

You are stronger than you think and the guides are with you. Ask them for more help, more clarity, the next right actions you need to take, and anything else you need. They are here to help. They are always present. They are your army to help you tackle whatever shows up in front of you. They are ever-present to serve, listen, guide, and make happen whatever is needed in service of your highest good.

Today’s Mantra:

I am stronger than I think and I am never alone, as my guides are always with me in loving guidance.

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10 minute blog Kylie Kwon 10 minute blog Kylie Kwon

Wednesday - February 12, 2020

Today’s message:

Peace arrives in having clarity of the NEXT RIGHT ACTION, taking it all ONE STEP AT A TIME, without judgment, expectation, or fear of the outcome.

Today’s Mantra:

Without judgment of myself or others, releasing expectation and fear, I am at peace moving forward step by step trusting all is well in my world.

This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …

This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.

Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.

Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.

Today’s message:

Peace arrives in having clarity of the NEXT RIGHT ACTION, taking it all ONE STEP AT A TIME, without judgment, expectation, or fear of the outcome.

Many messages come through me and I have learned a lot over the years from other spiritual teachers, lightworkers, mentors and those in my life. This message is particularly important and I truly see it as a gift to follow every day and at every part of the human experience.

This is a repeating message that arrives for me whenever there is chaos, I’m being personally attacked because I am a trigger for someone else, and when there is too much on my plate to humanly handle.

There are many versions of this message and I know this one is the most complete version of the message I have ever received.

Today’s Mantra:

Without judgment of myself or others, releasing expectation and fear, I am at peace moving forward step by step trusting all is well in my world.

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10 minute blog Kylie Kwon 10 minute blog Kylie Kwon

Friday - February 7, 2020

Today’s message:

Know that in order for rebirth to occur, death and ending is necessary. RELEASE and allow for COMPLETION of what no longer serves you.

Today’s Mantra:

With gratitude, appreciation, and love I say goodbye and thank you. I embrace the death and ending of those things, situations, experiences, and people that no longer support or serve my highest good.

This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …

This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.

Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.

Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.

Today’s message:

Know that in order for rebirth to occur, death and ending is necessary. RELEASE and allow for COMPLETION of what no longer serves you.

Renew was the message yesterday and this obviously is a follow-up message to that. The lessons of the past experiences have served us well and no longer need our attention, our focus or our energy. Say goodbye with gratitude and appreciation. This will allow us to say welcome and hello to our new chapter and the opportunities ahead.

We often move forward without closing out what we’ve been through. The past, yes, is in the past…but this message goes further than just this. Truly look at those things that need closure and close the door. You have the power to end things so new beginnings can occur and allow you to fully embrace where you are now and the possibilities of what is ahead without the chains of the past.

Break the chain, cut the cord, and say no more with full power and conviction. Close it out with gratitude, appreciation, and love, taking with you only those things that will serve you moving forward.

Today’s Mantra:

With gratitude, appreciation, and love I say goodbye and thank you. I embrace the death and ending of those things, situations, experiences, and people that no longer support or serve my highest good.

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10 minute blog Kylie Kwon 10 minute blog Kylie Kwon

Thursday - February 6, 2020

Today’s message:


Today’s Mantra:

I have been through a lot, I have come through the other side, I take with me what I have learned. I now take the time to apply, act and take action. Above all, I receive the benefits of my hard work and experiences with gratitude, grace, and grit.

This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …

This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.

Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.

Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.

Today’s message:


I don’t know if this means again to you. For myself, it has been a full year of gaining clarity about where I want to direct attention in my life, the path I wanted to take.

It took:
a ton of healing of the deep-rooted traumas
embracing a whole new way of living
recalibrating myself from the inside out
letting go of the life I thought I wanted and had
taking myself to the depths of the uncomfortable, the unknown
taking action where there was pure fear
pushing the limits of myself and my human experience
finding the courage to hold gratitude and appreciation for everything and anything in my life
allowing others to hold me up
having willing to receive, no matter how unsettling
putting trust in myself above all others, even when it didn’t make rational sense

Over the last several months leading up to the new year of 2020, I knew I was about to experience a huge shift and clarity. January 2020, I was still feeling the effects and heaviness of 2019, yet I had faith in what was ahead. From what I have learned from my guides and various teacher that show up in my physical realm, I knew things would find it’s footing. I had plans to execute, action to take, and this morning I was provided the lesson that the time has arrived.

Today’s Mantra:

I have been through a lot, I have come through the other side, I take with me what I have learned. I now take the time to apply, act and take action. Above all, I receive the benefits of my hard work and experiences with gratitude, grace and grit.

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