Thursday - February 6, 2020
This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …
This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.
Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.
Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.
Today’s message:
I don’t know if this means again to you. For myself, it has been a full year of gaining clarity about where I want to direct attention in my life, the path I wanted to take.
It took:
a ton of healing of the deep-rooted traumas
embracing a whole new way of living
recalibrating myself from the inside out
letting go of the life I thought I wanted and had
taking myself to the depths of the uncomfortable, the unknown
taking action where there was pure fear
pushing the limits of myself and my human experience
finding the courage to hold gratitude and appreciation for everything and anything in my life
allowing others to hold me up
having willing to receive, no matter how unsettling
putting trust in myself above all others, even when it didn’t make rational sense
Over the last several months leading up to the new year of 2020, I knew I was about to experience a huge shift and clarity. January 2020, I was still feeling the effects and heaviness of 2019, yet I had faith in what was ahead. From what I have learned from my guides and various teacher that show up in my physical realm, I knew things would find it’s footing. I had plans to execute, action to take, and this morning I was provided the lesson that the time has arrived.
Today’s Mantra:
I have been through a lot, I have come through the other side, I take with me what I have learned. I now take the time to apply, act and take action. Above all, I receive the benefits of my hard work and experiences with gratitude, grace and grit.