Friday - February 14, 2020

This is my 10-minute blog, something that came through me in meditation that I was guided to begin. We will see where this will lead and where it will take us all …

This is a free writing exercise to channel and download what I experience in meditation or intuitively channel and called to share. It is all written within 10 minutes, hence the name. It is an opportunity for me to share what comes through me, with minimal editing, without filtering and with minimal correction.

Please be advised there will be imperfections, misspellings, and errors.

Take what you need and drop the rest without judgment. You will hear what you need and rest is just noise.

Today’s message:

You are stronger than you think and you are not alone!

The message from the guides was so clear this morning. “You are stronger than you think", they said following up with a reminder that they are with us, always cheering us on and ready to help. Their request is to ask and count on them even more… way more than ever. Their capacity to help, guide, and support are limitless.

There is a buzz around being a recovering caregiver, I know I am one. The thing is, we as spiritual beings having a unique set of human experiences walk the physical plane in the way we do because we have lessons to learn and work through. Our capacity to assist others has to be in alignment and in honor of what we need for ourselves… and we need to be in service of ourselves first before serving others

Those receiving this message have been through a lot in their lives. And the guides remind that that in itself is clear evidence that you are stronger than you think. Look how far you have come from where you have started. Look at what you have gone through. Look at the failures, heartache, pain, and disappointments as huge wins… because in spite of them you are still here, present, still working to do better because now you know better.

You are stronger than you think and the guides are with you. Ask them for more help, more clarity, the next right actions you need to take, and anything else you need. They are here to help. They are always present. They are your army to help you tackle whatever shows up in front of you. They are ever-present to serve, listen, guide, and make happen whatever is needed in service of your highest good.

Today’s Mantra:

I am stronger than I think and I am never alone, as my guides are always with me in loving guidance.

Kylie Kwon

I am a student of life!  I am always exploring, learning, and transforming from every experience and interaction with those around me.  Being a transformational guide to my students and coaching clients is my life path.  Through my own personal practice and journey, I show up in my life as my authentic self knowing I am UNbroken, UNapologetically me, and with UNconditional love for myself. I live my in my own TRUE BLISS choosing love over fear, never playing small, setting boundaries and showing up to my life with integrity, grace and grit for highest good for all.  I share tools, insights, and lessons to those I serve so they may do the same.

Sunday - February 16, 2020


Wednesday - February 12, 2020