Kitchen Kylie Kwon Kitchen Kylie Kwon

Grain-free Kimchi Fried Rice

For two weeks living in New York City, we got to enjoy a lot of incredible food. But the best were the ones my sister cooked for us. She made these incredible Korean dinners that we so enjoyed. She cooks Korean food almost on a daily basis which totally inspires me. So my first night back in Boulder I find myself craving Korean food. Since the rest of my family is still in New York I wanted a quick Korean dish. I also wanted something a bit more clean and light because I have been eating so heavy this month. So this is my Grain-free Kimchi Fried Rice which still give me flavor but still light and easily digestible.  

Start with finely chopped cauliflower and chopped mushrooms in a bit of butter and sesame oil. Sauté until cooked and soft.

Start with finely chopped cauliflower and chopped mushrooms in a bit of butter and sesame oil. Sauté until cooked and soft.

Scramble in some eggs.

Scramble in some eggs.

Sauté in some chopped kimchi and kimchi juice. Season with another drizzle of sesame oil, salt and pepper.

Sauté in some chopped kimchi and kimchi juice. Season with another drizzle of sesame oil, salt and pepper.

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Kitchen Kylie Kwon Kitchen Kylie Kwon

Slow Roasted Pork with Veggies

I have been super busy getting ready for Firefly Market in May where I will be selling my mala and other creations.  It's my first time selling at an event so there are lots to do.  I have been working hard but I still want the kids and hubby to have a good dinner.  This is a super easy dish.  You just have to place all the ingredients in an oven safe pot and slow roast it in the oven at 275 degrees until the pork is fully cooked.  I left in the oven for about 4 hours.  I prepared all the ingredients in the afternoon, this took about 10 minutes.  Then just simply put it in the oven until it was time to eat.  


3-4 lbs Pork Butt

2 sliced onion

4 carrots cut into thick slices

2 apples

Salt and Pepper

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Kitchen Kylie Kwon Kitchen Kylie Kwon

Sweet Potato for Breakfast?


I have a love of everything sweet potato.  It doesn't matter how you prepare it, I will eat it!  Last night I baked some sweet potatoes for dinner in the oven so I decided to roast an extra one for my lunch today.  But this morning, as I was making breakfast for my kids and I saw the extra sweet potato, my mouth watered and my culinary creativity perked up. You can call this a porridge or a pudding it doesn't matter as long as you enjoy eating it.  

I love a good oatmeal or porridge for breakfast but more and more my body does not react well to grains of all kinds, gluten free or not.  I often say "I love grains and dairy, they just don't always love me back." Although cow dairy seems to cause issues for me goat dairy does not so I have been experimenting more and more with goat dairy in my diet.  My True Eating approach is to rotate my diet and limit those foods that don't love me back.  With True Bliss Living as a goal it's always good to remember to release those things in our lives that do not serve us.  

This recipe turns your plain baked sweet potato into a creamy and smooth porridge that you can enjoy at breakfast, as a snack, or a great side dish.  It was quick to make minus the baking time. But more importantly it is heaven to eat and enjoy.

Sweet Potato Porridge Recipe

1 large baked sweet potato, peeled

1 tablespoon coconut oil or grass-fed butter

1/2 cup goat milk or non-dairy milk

Top with (optional): 

pecans or other nuts you desire


drizzle of maple syrup

a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice

Blend the first three ingredients in a blender until smooth.  Play around with the goat or non-dairy milk to get the consistency you desire, you may need more or less then what is listed above.  Spoon the porridge into a bowl and top with your desired toppings.  Most importantly, sit, eat and enjoy!

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