Thanks to Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

We had to say a sad goodbye to Steve Jobs of Apple this evening. He was was a genius that left mankind with many humanitarian and technological gifts. He had a vision and was able to make them a reality for us all.

I did not know him personally but in the mid 90s my husband decided to just write him an email. To my husbands surprise, he received a response from Mr. Jobs himself. They exchanged emails back and forth talking about apple and technology in general. I just couldn’t even believe he answered his own emails.

Today we celebrated our son’s 10th birthday. The big gift was a new iPod. Our family have been loyal Apple users for decades and love all their products. We were loyal to Steve Jobs since the original Machintosh and have been following both him and the company for many years. It is a very sad day in our home and we feel a huge loss.

Steve Jobs was an amazing human being. He will truly be missed.

Kylie Kwon

I am a student of life!  I am always exploring, learning, and transforming from every experience and interaction with those around me.  Being a transformational guide to my students and coaching clients is my life path.  Through my own personal practice and journey, I show up in my life as my authentic self knowing I am UNbroken, UNapologetically me, and with UNconditional love for myself. I live my in my own TRUE BLISS choosing love over fear, never playing small, setting boundaries and showing up to my life with integrity, grace and grit for highest good for all.  I share tools, insights, and lessons to those I serve so they may do the same.

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