Kids Lunch 2/4/15
My kids are now 14 (9th grade) and 13 (7th grade) and since they have started school back in Kindergarten I have packed their lunch. The lunches have been complex, to super simple, to just plain old leftovers. I find that a lot of people over complicate the whole lunch packing process. With kids lunches it just has to be easy to eat in a short amount of time. A good tip for the younger kids, think finger foods. Kids don't have much time during their lunch break especially since it is a time for them to socialize with their friends. For years now I have blogged pictures of the lunches I have made but never with any consistency. Here is my attempt.
Today it was left overs for lunch.
Pasta with Bolognese topped with shredded goat cheddar
Cubes of cantaloupe
Gluten free chocolate chip cookies.