The Slow City

We found ourselves in the city of Jeonju known as “Slow City.”  The area is known for the over 800 traditional Korean “hanok” houses which have a beautiful roof curve.  However we were not there to see the Jeonju Hanok Village but instead came for a taste of the city’s most famous dish, dol solt bibimbap.  This dish is a traditional Korean rice dish that is served in a hot stone bowl topped with vegetables and seafood or meat, it’s one of Michael’s favorite.  He likes to wait awhile before he begins to eat to allow the rice to get crispy up against the hot stone.  The restaurant we stopped at is a big favorite in my family. I was told that the restaurant is known in the country for this dish and that it is because the roots and vegetable sides are freshly farmed in the local area.  Just outside the restaurant there was a street filled with food and shopping. Of course even with our stomachs full we had to walk around and checkout the local venders. 

Just outside the restaurant there was a street filled with food and shopping. Of course even with our stomachs full we had to walk around and checkout the local venders. 

Kylie Kwon

I am a student of life!  I am always exploring, learning, and transforming from every experience and interaction with those around me.  Being a transformational guide to my students and coaching clients is my life path.  Through my own personal practice and journey, I show up in my life as my authentic self knowing I am UNbroken, UNapologetically me, and with UNconditional love for myself. I live my in my own TRUE BLISS choosing love over fear, never playing small, setting boundaries and showing up to my life with integrity, grace and grit for highest good for all.  I share tools, insights, and lessons to those I serve so they may do the same.

Hwaeomsa Temple


Seoul, South Korea - Day Four